Rugby International day
Josie Hughes Josie Hughes

Rugby International day

International Rugby Day at Twickenham

Other prints available at prices in keeping with the economic climate!!!

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Lets hear it for oil pastels!!!!
Josie Hughes Josie Hughes

Lets hear it for oil pastels!!!!

“They are not as popular as dry pastels, so we don’t tend to stock them”. I walked out of the art shop angry and disappointed.

OIL PASTELS are beautiful, you can do anything with them. You can blend them, put one colour over another, fix them and draw over any mistake, where other media like watercolours are totally unforgiving. You can scrape these pastels off, scratch into them to get a printing effect. If you put a pencil mark over them, you get an effect like an etching. You can thin them with solvent such as “Zest it “or turps. With oil bars you can ‘go large’ and get really deep 


yes they are messy, but messy is good here, they are expensive at £2.25 (may be cheaper in sets) Your drawing may have to be fixed and placed behind glass, but oh that sparkling colour!

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Welcome to my new website!
Johanna Pieterman Johanna Pieterman

Welcome to my new website!

 It all began on a wet Sunday afternoon in the early 60s. My dad wanted some peace so he showed me how to shade in the sides of a figure I was copying from a magazine and suddenly it leapt out of the page at me. I never got over the excitement of that moment. Two years later I had picture in a National Exhibition of Children’s Art.

In the 1990s ,while recovering from the death of both of my parents within 2 months of each other, I went back to drawing and found the same excitement but with a greater depth. In 2000 I sold a painting, so not only could paint again, I could paint something that others liked and wanted to put on their wall. So here are the final results of that journey .I hope you like them and that you will take up pencils and paint and feel the same sense of excitement that I have. Good Luck!

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